Art Piter Cezepauski1 de fev. de 2020Muerti Dimp & JK (The eternal ballad)In the image we see percussionist Muerti Dimp, with his Bongô between his legs, and multi instrumentalist Johnny Kammer, with his guitar in his arms.
Muerti Dimp & JK (The eternal ballad)In the image we see percussionist Muerti Dimp, with his Bongô between his legs, and multi instrumentalist Johnny Kammer, with his guitar in his arms.
Social projects.Social projects. As a millionaire I would create several social projects, projects that would save lives, of all kinds. How to end...
Frustration for that, i think...Sometimes I try to interact you know, but things don't work out like in my head, people don't correspond as in my head, then it becomes...
High beingsHigh beings, like Humans, forget their evolution over the years, giving noble meaning to suffering. Just as we do this, it is possible...